Employer Branding


»Is it true? Is it good? Is it necessary? This lays the foundation for a good employer brand.«

Socrates scrutinised critically which statements genuinely contained information – in other words which ones were truly communicative. In employer branding, too, it makes sense to check every statement first by asking three questions.

Finding your own employer brand. An employer brand helps companies position themselves as an attractive employer to attract talent. In addition to material aspects such as salary and benefits, intangible factors such as corporate culture, working atmosphere and development opportunities play a key role.
A value proposition to employees. Employee value propositions (EVPs) are the DNA of any employer brand. They show why it’s worth working for a company. A supportive team culture, flexible working hours, great professional development opportunities – all this can make a difference.

Be an employer of choice.

A powerful employer brand is the basis for successful personnel marketing. Companies benefit from this on various levels:

Attract talent.

A strategically positioned employer brand attracts highly qualified applicants who are looking for companies with similar values and corporate culture.

Create a corporate culture with a lasting impact.

When employees identify with their company, they’re fully committed and give their best. This in turn results in higher satisfaction levels, lower staff turnover and greater career success within the company.

Secure a competitive advantage.

With a differentiated employer brand, a company can clearly stand out among its competitors and position itself as an employer of choice to be able to attract and retain the most talented professionals.

Build reputation and credibility.

A credible employer brand boosts a company’s reputation as a trustworthy and attractive employer.

The essence of our strength.

Together. We are our clients' extended workbench. Together we create successful campaigns.
Data-driven. Our keywords are market research, measurability and analysis. Our scientific approach is based on the most recent studies conducted by the Sinus Institute, the Zukunftsinstitut and Trendence. We keep a close eye on all the relevant key figures in terms of target groups and performance and adjust our actions accordingly.
Proven. As a full-service agency, we have been the first choice for long-term partnerships since 2015. Our motto is to provide consistently excellent and comprehensive customer support.
Groundbreaking. We turn our vision of progress into an idea that we bring to life in our projects. Using agile project management and the latest technologies and tools, we break new ground every day.

Our Employer Branding Services.

Creation we create.

Our creation team takes care of graphic design, text, content, media and conception. From the creative minds behind the design boards who breathe life into shapes and colours to the text-savvy wordsmiths who craft messages out of letters. From the ambitious marketing crew who are firmly at the helm of project work to the social media stars who light up our digital firmament with dazzling content. Together we pursue the same goal: to produce outstanding creations that kindle emotions, boost brands and have the potential to change the world.